Ecological Trends Alliance offers opportunities to individuals and entities (Institutions), national and international for a professional membership. The institutional membership includes organizations, companies, associations, chapters, religions, clubs and families. This opportunity is open to all those who meet the requirements. Our wide ranging programmes gives opportunities to make a contribution to research, conservation and national development. To become a member of Ecological Trends Alliance, you must have the following qualities and requirements:
1. Individual membership:
•You must have completed a certificate, diploma or a degree in any of the courses.
• You must be above 18 years
• You must have interest or agree to the strategic directions and programmes of Ecological Trends Alliance.
• You should be willing to share skills and knowledge.
• You should be self-motivated, well organized and be able to work with and learn from others.
• You must complete a membership recruitment form which will be vetted and approved by the board
• You need to pay a membership fee of 100,000 UGX and annual subscription of 50,000 UGX or the USD equivalent
2. Institutional membership.
• The organization must be registered either nationally or internationally
• The institution must complete a membership recruitment form
• The institution should share similar values and believe in the strategic directions and programmes of Ecological Trends Alliance.
• The institution should pay the membership fee of 200,000 UGX and an annual subscription of 100,000 UGX or the USD equivalent
• The institution should second a maximum of three names (INDIVIDUALS) to participate in the official process of the Ecological Trends Alliance.
Benefits of the membership:
The main benefit of the membership is having the opportunity to make a contribution to conservation and development discourse. The Alliance also gives the opportunity of connecting with other people around a particular profession, activity, interest, mission or geographical location. This facilitates interaction and collaboration, but it also involves enhancing the purpose of the Alliance.
3. Benefits of Individual membership:
• It gives the opportunity for a Professional growth and development
• Provides professional Membership to a respected organization.
• Where opportunity exists, offers studentship and internship
• Educational and professional growth through workshops and webinars.
• Networking with a purpose
• Profiling through presenting and/or representing at events or by publishing articles in the Ecological Trends Alliance website and E- magazines
• Training and being able to train
• Opportunity to participate in one of the planned research expeditions
• Opportunity to vote and being voted in the policy leadership of Ecological Trends Alliance
4. Benefits of Institutional membership:
• A belonging or membership to a respected and reputable organization
• Opportunity for a professional Partnership with the organization for a common cause including funding proposal development.
• It offers the opportunity for a shared value approach to work with Private Sector.
• Association with the brand that meets your long term vision
• Educational and professional growth through workshops and webinars.
• Networking with other institutions
• Profiling through advertising during events, on websites and magazines
• Opportunity for a training and being able to train others
• Opportunity to participate in any of the planned research expeditions
• Opportunity to vote and being voted in the policy leadership of Ecological Trends Alliance