John Collins Makanga
Technical Coordinator (Environment and Livelihoods)
John Collins Makanga is a GIS enthusiast with a BSC in Agricultural Land Use and Management from Makerere University. He has been trained in Geographic Information System fundamentals, design and management of spatial databases, mapping, visualization and spatial analysis, GIS for Natural Resource Management and Environmental Impact Assessment.
The course in Agricultural Land Use and Management at the undergraduate level and trainings undertaken give him a good foundation of conservation related issues. His BSC dissertation explored the impact of climate change on food security in female and male headed households in the central cattle corridor of Uganda.
He is currently pursuing membership with the Uganda Association for Impact Assessment (UAIA), an umbrella Association that brings together Environmental practitioners involved in Environment Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and also individuals and organizations with an interest in advancing and upholding Environmental Management issues or values as part of sustainable development.
John Collins Makanga has a 3- year experience of working with Government and NGO. Collins has worked on a number of projects looking at the impact of fire and herbivory on species diversity in rangeland ecosystems in Uganda. He has attended a number of workshops and conferences both nationally and internationally.